Rectal Bleeding

Rectal Bleeding

Blood in the stool is a common problem experienced by hundreds of patients that our doctors see routinely. Hemorrhoids or anal fissures are most often the cause blood in stool. You would easily notice that the blood is typically bright red in color. After you have a bowel movement, you might see blood on your toilet paper, in the toilet bowl or on the stool itself.

Although blood in stool is a common health issue, it can also indicate the presence of a more serious medical condition. If you have rectal bleeding, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Please watch for.

  • Profuse bright red blood
  • Excess blood in your stool, can be a sign of a very serious condition.

Common cause of profuse blood in the stool include:

  • Colitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Colon cancer
  • Polyp or tumor inside the digestive tract
  • Irritation of the intestinal lining

Schedule your consultation today

Fast & Effective

The procedure takes about 1 minute to perform and is 95% effective.

No Recovery Time

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day.


The procedure is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

Covered by Insurance

The procedure is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

This non-surgical procedure has been performed over 800,000 times on patients across the country.

Call Us Today (504) 569-5557

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After suffering 50 years of foolish discomfort and only three visits, I feel like a new woman. Thank you for making such an amazing difference in my everyday life.